I have provided a number of presentations and trainings in a variety of settings (e.g., schools, colleges and universities, and professional conferences). Audiences have included mental health and medical professionals, educators, students, parents and families, and the general public. Below is a list of professional presentations and trainings I have provided over the years, illustrating areas of interest and expertise (topics are highlighted).
Trantham, S. M. (2016, April 28). “Trans* 101: Gender Matters.” Faculty, staff and student training at The Arlington School, McLean Hospital: Belmont, MA.
Trantham, S. M. (2016, February 5). “Understanding Gender Identity: Working with Transgender & Gender Queer Youth.” Continuing Education training at Bridge Mental Health Training Institute: Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Trantham, S. M. (2015, October 29 & November 5). “Trans*101: Gender Matters.” Faculty and staff Training at Massachusetts College of Art: Boston, MA.
Motulsky, S. & Trantham, S. M. (2014, February 15). “Transitions: Issues Facing Transgender Children, Adolescents, and Adults.” Panel presentation at Teachers College Columbia University, 31st Annual Winter Roundtable on Cultural Psychology and Education: New York, NY.
Bucci, L., Rosenthal, L, Trantham, S. M., & Zeek, C. (2014, February 6). “Crossing the Boundaries: Models for Interdisciplinary Co-Teaching in Undergraduate Courses.” Practice session presented at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (CHEP): Blacksburg, VA.
Trantham, S. M. (2014, February 3). “Neuropsychology 101 for Mental Health Counselors.” In-service workshop training for counseling interns at Colleges of the Fenway, Wentworth Institute: Boston, MA.
Trantham, S. M. (2013, November 9). “Developmental Treatment Issues”. Panel presentation at Boston Children’s Hospital Gender Management Service (GeMS) Gender Non-Conformity in Children and Adolescents: A Conference for Health and Mental Health Clinicians: Boston, MA
Bucci, L. & Trantham, S. M. (2013, August 6). “Children and Violence: An Undergraduate Course Model of Interdisciplinary Co-Teaching.” Paper presented at the National Social Science Association: San Francisco, CA.
Trantham, S. M. (2013, April 7). “Navigating Relationships & Transgender Teens.” Discussion group at Boston Children’s Hospital Gender Management Service (GeMS) Family and School Conference: Boston, MA.
Gere, S., Motulsky, S., Saleem, R., & Trantham, S. M. (2013, February 15). Teachers College Columbia University, 30th Annual Winter Roundtable on Cultural Psychology and Education: “Multiculturalism and Social Justice in Counselor Education: An Integrative Approach Across the Curriculum”: New York, NY.
Trantham, S. M. (2011, October 14). Lesley University Graduate School of Arts & Social Sciences, Division of Counseling & Psychology Field Training Office: “Clinical Supervision in the 21st Century: Broadening Perspectives on Diversity”: Cambridge, MA.
Trantham, S. M. (2011, March 30). Lesley University Community of Scholars Day: “Interdisciplinary Co-Teaching”: Cambridge, MA.
Trantham, S. M. (2011, July 8). Lesley University Trauma and Neuroscience Conference: “Neuropsychological Interventions for Trauma in Children and Adolescents”: Cambridge, MA.
Trantham, S. M. (2010, October 16). Episcopal Divinity School: “The Gender Continuum: YES Institute Workshop and Panel Discussion”: Cambridge, MA.
Trantham, S. M. (2010, May 27). Lesley University Faculty Development Day: “Visual Literacy: Children & Media Violence”: Cambridge, MA.
Trantham, S. M. (2010, March 31). Lesley University Community of Scholars Day: “What Impact Does Diversity Have On The Education Of Lesley Students?”: Cambridge, MA.